facility planning

Careful planning for the future is essential to any institution’s ability to continually provide outstanding service to its students. RossTarrant Architects’ experience leading planning committees through the assessment of facilities makes the process as effortless as possible for our clients. Our careful analysis of every option and opportunity helps us lead committees to create a clear, actionable path to achieve their goals.

For public school districts in Kentucky, facility planning is required by the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE). Every four years, an updated plan must be filed with the state outlining the district’s plans to improve over the coming years. For these clients, RossTarrant uses its more than 35 years of experience to help outline how a district can best meet the requirements set forth by KDE, as well as current building codes. Our firm works with local planning committees to score their district’s facilities based on the level of need and prioritize projects to improve the district. The end result is a comprehensive facility plan that easily meets the requirements set forth by KDE.

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