sustainable design

At RossTarrant Architects, designing high-performance buildings is more than a goal—it’s a mission. Our commitment to sustainable design goes beyond reducing the burden on the environment. It’s about creating the healthiest possible space for people to learn, live and work. And if there’s one thing that more than 35 years designing educational facilities has taught us, it’s that everyone performs better in a healthy space.

Imagine a place where students get higher test scores and are absent less, and where teachers have higher job satisfaction, employee turnover is virtually unheard of, and owners relax and enjoy reduced energy and maintenance costs. Sound like a dream? It’s not—it’s the reality of sustainable design.

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Green Building Rating System™ is the most widely recognized tool for measuring the success of sustainable buildings. Our firm offers LEED® Accredited Professionals in both our p-12 and higher education studios to ensure that every single client has access to their in-depth knowledge of sustainable building practices. For more information about a few of our sustainable designs, check out our portfolio of projects.

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