To alleviate overcrowding and update their facility, the McCreary County Board of Education decided to renovate and expand their existing high school.
First, a new entry was created, providing an easily identifiable front door to the facility. Administrative offices, which were previously dispersed throughout the school, were given a dedicated space near the new front entry to provide additional security for students, staff and visitors. Renovations to existing classroom wings provide new energy-efficient HVAC units, highly efficient lighting and the technology upgrades necessary to make classrooms interactive.
To address overcrowding, several brand new spaces were designed as additions to the facility. Two new science lecture/laboratory classrooms and an expanded media center were added, as well as two classrooms to the Freshman Academy. In addition, two new classrooms now serve students with functional mental disabilities (FMD).
To compliment the additions and renovations to the building, the site was redesigned to better organize the traffic flow around the school. A new parent drop-off was created and new spaces were added for student and staff parking.